Do you know the “One Command” which applies for both the human Creation & the Church? It is also the “First” command
in the Bible. Of sure, it precedes the famous “Ten Commandments.” This “One Command” even runs through the whole Bible from the beginning to the end. This first
and one command was to “be fruitful and to multiply” (Genesis 1:28). Importantly,
this command succeeds the verse which says that both Adam and Eve were created
in the image of God (v.27). It is
therefore clear that the earth has to be filled not merely with humans but
humans in the image of God.
The aspect of God's image in Adam and Eve is evident in the way they were associated with the Creator God in the Garden of
Eden in a personal way. But when sin entered into the lives of Adam & Eve,
they ran away from God and the image of God in them became
marred. God had then agents like Noah, Abraham and many more through whom He
gave and acted upon His promises of restoring and blessing the fallen human
beings. He then chose the nation “Israel” as His agent and through the ups and
down of her history was telling her and the other nations about a God who can
restore nations.
In an appropriate time in history, Jesus, the incarnate God Himself came and
discipled a handful to whom He gave the “Great Commission” commanding them to
make further disciples (Matthew 28:18-20).
After Jesus ascended to heaven, Holy spirit, the third
person of the Trinity came upon the believers of the
Saviour-God. Again the commission of the Holy Spirit was the same. The primary purpose in the
dwelling of Holy Spirit in a person is to be His witnesses in Jerusalem, Judea,
Samaria and to the ends of the earth (Acts 1:8). The members of the early
church witnessed the God of the Bible to the then ends of the earth.
Now, it is “we” all who have been restored to the image of God, who
are commissioned to carry the gospel. There are many people today who never have
heard the “Good News” of the Bible even once in their lives. There are people both
in our near and far geographical and cultural contexts whose spiritual images
are still marred. They do not know their Creator and Saviour God. The commission
is on His church, consisting of people who bear His image to plunge into
discipling people and communities in the near and farthest corners of the
world. The commission in the first page of the Bible to fill this earth with
humans restored to His image, still remains the same. By fulfilling His command
we can contribute our share to the great multitudes in Heaven (Revelation 7:9).
In heaven, we will be “like Him”, all in the image of God. We will be with Him
The question: Am I obeying the “One Command” of the Bible? What changes
have to be made in me, my church to follow this over arching command of the