Saturday, May 25, 2013

How can I repay?

With my parents in 1992
Just a few hours before getting admitted in hospital for my surgery, I read this in a friend’s status message in Facebook. She has shared her friend’s story of how a hysterectomy done in her body turned complicated and became almost a life and death issue. Thankfully it did not scare me, but only made me feel how worthless I was and how much I needed God’s grace. I did not tell this to my parents who were getting ready to accompany me to hospital. My parents, both in their seventies have to be specially mentioned here because they have never been on a hospital stay so far, which itself is God’s grace. On the other hand, they both were scared and I had to encourage them and speak confidence to them often. But within me I had to hide my tears whenever my husband’s face flashed before me because I was missing him who was then in Bangladesh, miles away. With all this in the background, I was confident in the Lord however because of so much of love and prayer support I was privileged of.

With a partial anaesthesia, waist down, as the surgery process started I kept praying, first blessing all those who showed love to me in various ways including prayer. I prayed for the team around my bed who were performing the surgery. I prayed that my body would cooperate with what the doctors had to do. In an hour or so, the surgeon shook hands with me. I started smiling and talking to the lady doctor who was heading the team. My parents could hear me speaking as I was moved out of the theatre. There was happiness everywhere. We thanked the Lord. I spoke to my husband over phone, who was then trying to reschedule his ticket in the airport. He came the next morning to see me sitting in a chair - drips, catheter all removed before his arrival. One last word the doctor said before leaving the hospital on the third day was that I should be careful enough not to catch a cold or a cough in the first week. My brother who had come to take us all back home in his car stopped on the way in a medical store. He said, “Children at home have some infection. One has a cough and another has cold!” Praise God! I did not catch any infection and the kids too became alright soon. Things moved normal from then on.

Two weeks passed. I was brooding upon this one verse that said, “I will fulfil my vows to the LORD ​in the presence of all his people.” I was longing to go to church.  Sunday came. My portion in my ‘One Year Study Bible’ on the Sunday happened to be Psalm 116. I was thrilled when I reached verse 12 and then the following verses. ”How can I repay the LORD for all his goodness to me?...” I will fulfil my vows to the LORD in the presence of all his people.”

Looking back to my friend’s sharing in the Facebook, it was also a testimony of how God miraculously saved her life after almost a month’s ordeal of complications resulting out of a hysterectomy procedure. God shows his grace to people in different ways. It is not always the same. Sometimes God causes death, so says the next verse in the same Psalm 116. But with every fresh unleashing of life, every pulse of us must repay the Lord for all his goodness to us.  Praise the Lord!

How can I repay the LORD ​for all his goodness to me? (Psalm 116:12)

Wednesday, May 1, 2013

Wake up Call for Women to Work

Firstly I want us to keep this in mind: Because I am good, it is not that everyone else is good. Women suffer. I need to be a voice to the voiceless and the oppressed, because the Bible says: "Speak up for those who cannot speak for themselves, for the rights of all who are destitute. Speak up and judge fairly; defend the rights of the poor and needy."  (Proverbs 31:8)  Bathsheba told this to Solomon, she herself being a victim of a powerful king’s lust.

The mission statement of Jesus was this: "The Spirit of the Lord is on me, ​because he has anointed me ​to preach good news to the poor. He has sent me to proclaim freedom for the prisoners  ​and recovery of sight for the blind, to release the oppressed, to proclaim the year of the Lord's favor." (Luke 4:18-19) This should be our mission statement too.  To execute our mission statement, I want us to start thinking about this problem statement. “Most of women’s potential is underutilized. Even if utilized they go unnamed, unrecognized, undervalued, sometimes devalued and taken for granted.” Women are oppressed and suppressed. They are physically, emotionally and psychologically abused. Worse, they are sexually abused. She is an object of sex and violence. She is raped and thrown acid on. Girls are not safe from womb to tomb.  She is treated as a mere object and a liability. Boys are preferred and given the best food, school, college and other facilities compared to girls.

Women’s condition today looks like what has been depicted in Judges 17:6. In those days Israel had no king; everyone did as he saw fit. Suppose every one sets their clock according to what they find fit. Result is chaos. What happens when everyone has their own multiplication table? The principle is same in moral and spiritual standards. Jeremiah 10:23 says “It is not for men and women to direct their steps”. When we do what we find right in our own eyes, the result is confusion: spiritual and moral decay in families, churches and our nation. We are here looking into our absolute standard, that is our Bible specially from the life of Deborah mentioned in Judges 4 & 5.

Oppression from Inside
The oppression from within in Deborah’s days was this three lettered word “SIN.” After Ehud died, the Israelites once again did evil in the eyes of the LORD. So the LORD sold them into the hands of Jabin, a king of Canaan, who reigned in Hazor (Judges 4:1-2). When they chose new gods, war came to the city gates, ​and not a shield or spear was seen ​among forty thousand in Israel (Judges 5:8). Psalm 33:12 says: “Blessed is the nation whose God is the LORD, ​the people he chose for his inheritance.” So, unblessed is the nation whose Gods are idols, whose God is not the LORD. India, our idolatrous nation needs the Lord. Our first and foremost priority is to introduce our Saviour to all those who do not know Him. I would want life style evangelism to be our priority. Our households need to be models where we treat our girls and boys alike, we have all girl children and still are happy, where people can see a visible change in our husband and wife relationship because Jesus is the head of our family, where our neighbours can see us praying together and so on. I have seen people coming to followers of Jesus in such situations saying, “We need that Jesus!”

Oppression from Outside
The oppression from outside was the Canaanite army. Because of their cruel behaviour, roads were abandoned; ​travelers took to winding paths (Judges 5:6). I am reminded of  Mahatma Gandhi’s quote that India is a free country, only the day a woman can walk safe on its streets. The people cried. The oppressors had nine hundred iron chariots. But the Israelites had none! God heard and sent them a deliverer, this time a woman in the dark ages of the history of Israel, Deborah. Earlier there was a Miriam who was a leader few hundreds of years ago. She was a great worship leader and a prophetess. Now Deborah as a judge rose to the need of the darkest hours of Israel. She said, “Village life ceased in Israel until I Deborah rose.” (Judges 5:7)

Women Liberators
Before we could delve into Deborah’s leadership we need to acknowledge Lappidoth, the husband whom I call a strong personality to have released this talented woman for her job. We also need to acknowledge Barak who made a team with Deborah. Deborah motivated her. He joined. God wants men and women to work together. Praise God if you have a dad, a husband or a pastor or someone who encourages you and enjoys seeing you used by God.
 If not ask God to open a way. God will make a way, when there seems no way. He will work in ways which we would have never thought of. One thing we all can do is to raise our sons, grand sons and the men in our influence as strong men like Lappidoth.

Deborah could hear God’s words. Eve heard. Hagar heard. Can God talk to a woman? Can she talk back to him. Yes. Deborah  was a prophetess like Miriam, like Huldah, like the daughters of Philip, like the prophetesses in the Corinthian church (1 Corinthians 11:5). These women brought God’s word to the nation and churches. God has said in Joel 2:28-32, several thousand years back: "And afterward, ​I will pour out my Spirit on all people. ​Your sons and daughters will prophesy, ​your old men will dream dreams, ​your young men will see visions. Even on my servants, both men and women, ​I will pour out my Spirit in those days. It is through us daughters and women, God is going to bring transformation in our nation. The solution to oppression in this story was a woman leader!

Women can bring transformation of every kind in our society. Ever heard the story of the bad Samaritan who turned to be a good Samaritan in the Bible?  She was the reason for the mass conversion of people in her village. Do you know the unnamed Bible women who walked into every houses telling about Jesus which resulted in the planting of churches in India in the past and the present? Someone said ‘her story” never got into records. It is always “his story” There were zenana women, the missionary doctors and educationists - a great host of women in the history of our nation who are not known to any. Women writers, historians need to dig the stories of the unrecognized women of our past generation before we forget them and write about them. If Deborah’s story can motivate us today, our generational women’s stories can motivate women of the coming generations.

If you are not a “Deborah”-like public personality, here are some options: Hannah rose in a moral decay context too! As a regular visitor to the temple, she saw the evil things the sons of Eli, Hophni and Phinehas were doing. Probably she was a victim to the sexual perverse acts these young men did to the women who came to serve in the temple or may have heard about them. She knew how offering was exploited in these young men’s hands. She did not have the boldness to raise her voice against them. But she prayed quietly to the Lord. The Bible puts it like this: Hannah was praying in her heart, and her lips were moving but her voice was not heard.  This is my version of Hannah’s prayer: “If only you give me a son, I will not bring him up like Ophni and Phinehas. I will give him to serve you all through his life.”  She was not a public person like Deborah. But she gave a public figure, Samuel for a nation that needed a Saviour. During Samuels ministry, the people gave up their idol worship and served the Lord alone. A public or private person, God can use any one to bring a change in this nation. Huldah a prophetic leader rose in a time of apostasy. God’s word came through Huldah to King Josiah. Josiah inspired by Huldah, brought a total revival in Israel cleaning up the nation from idolatry.

Queen Esther could have gone into a fearful depression when she first heard the plan of Haman.  Because she has maintained the fact that she was a Jew as a secret until then. But Queen Esther rose up to the situation. Her boldness and confidence were results of the power of fasting prayer she and her friends had in the palace and the whole of the Jews underwent. In reality she relied on the power of God. Many lives were saved and the name of Yahweh was glorified because of the leadership of this lady Esther. Women in influential positions need to hear Mordecai’s words to Queen Esther: "Do not think that because you are in the king's house you alone of all the Jews will escape.” (My version: Because you are safe, don’t think everyone else is. Because you are blessed with a good husband, don’t think everyone else is.) For if you remain silent at this time, relief and deliverance for the Jews will arise from another place, but you and your father's family will perish. And who knows but that you have come to royal position for such a time as this?"

Queen Esther had the guts to start a prayer cell in the palace where nothing about Yahweh can be done in public. There were successful women leaders who had house churches in the NT. They are Chloe (1 Corinthians 1:11), Lydia (Acts 16:14-15, 40), Mark’s mother (Acts 12:12) and Nympha (Colossians 4:15) and Priscilla (1 Corinthians 16:19).  Deborah was not only a judge, prophetess who rose to the need. She was a mother! She said: I Deborah a mother in Israel rose (Judges 5:7). We do not know whether Deborah was a biological mom. But she says that she was a mother to her people. Neither Mother Teresa nor Amy Carmichael were biological moms. But they were mother to many. This helps us to be an optimist in a pessimistic situation. Don’t ever think “I don’t have a family, a biological son or daughter.” Think of how many spiritual sons and daughters you can reproduce for Christ. Grand mom Lois and mom Eunice brought up godly Pastor Timothy to the world. Our Indian society today is reliant on mothers and grandmothers who in turn would bless our nation with Moses’, Aarons, Miriams, Samuels, and Timothys.

Doing Nothing is a SIN
The Lord curses the tribes who did not join in the warfront with Deborah.  'Curse Meroz,' said the angel of the LORD. ​'Curse its people bitterly, ​because they did not come to help the LORD, ​to help the LORD against the mighty.' (Judges 5:23). Simply doing nothing for the nation’s cause is the curse mentioned here.  It is not immorality, not murder, but being complacent to the context is clearly told as a curse. It is like the sin of the one talent man who did nothing (Matthew 25:14-30). We should not be like the Levite, the priest who saw the wounded person, still walked away saying, “Well, that’s not my job. I am going to do my own job sincerely.” We cannot be like Cain who said, “Am I my brother’s keeper?” God says, “You are your sister’s keeper.” James 4:17 says: Anyone, then, who knows the good she ought to do and doesn't do it, sins. But there were men who joined in the warfront with Deborah. Judges 5:18 says, Zebulun and Napthali risked their lives in the warfront. I read a book entitled, “Women as risk takers for God” It is a beautiful compendium of the life stories of women who took the risk in our modern times to do great things for the Lord.

The Battle is the LORD’s
Last but not the least that day’s victory was a supernatural one caused by God himself. The Battle is always the Lords!  It is always the human responsibility and God’s sovereignty in a joint action in any situation.  We always highlight the “red sea” incident in our Sunday school stories and sermons. But how many of us are aware that a similar incident happened in Deborah’s leadership? Imagine a cinema effect of 900 iron chariots coming fast to an already weak and oppressed community of a ten thousand men. Sisera, the enemy commander did not realize that the battle was not Barak’s or Deborah’s but it was their God’s. And little did he imagine of an unexpected Tsunami coming? Judges 5:21 says that the river Kishon swept them away. ​A flash flood! Deborah, Barak and the rest of the team took their enemies’ swords to kill their enemies, since they did not have any of their own (4:16). The Lord routed Sisera the enemy commander to Jael’s house to see to that the day’s final victory would again be from a woman(4:15). It started with a woman, Deborah and ended with a woman, Jael. Jael was wise and brave enough to scheme and kill Sisera by a mere tent peg. The Lord in His sovereign plan gave the highlight of victory to women that day. God wants women to wage the war of oppression even today. A missed opportunity is like water spilled in the ground. You can’t take it back. Grab it for His GLORY!

But the battle we wage to bring changes in our families and society is going to be vain if the Lord is not in it. All that God sees in us is our availability to impact our society. When we are willing like Deborah, the Lord fights on our behalf.  He never operates in vacuum.  He is a relational God. He loves us. He needs us for transforming our society from oppression. Women, wake up, it is time to act with God on our side!

A Good Woman – Hard to Find

I have always had mixed feelings whenever I read about this mysterious woman portrayed in Proverbs 31. Feelings of anger, guilt, pride, and inadequacy filled me until I found that she was just the ideal woman and a goal towards which women try moving. A goal and ideal can be a catalyst and not a condemnation. "A good woman is hard to find and worth for more than diamonds.” (Proverbs 31:10) Why?

1.     Our good woman was a WISE WOMAN:
Our good woman speaks with wisdom, and faithful instruction is on her tongue. Woman & Wisdom look like synonyms in the book of Proverbs in many places. Compare: “He who finds a wife finds a good thing, and obtains favor from the LORD.” (Proverbs 18:22) and “For whoever finds me (wisdom) finds life, and obtains favor from the LORD.” (Proverbs 8:35) In the book of Proverbs, wisdom is extensively portrayed as a woman giving instruction to those who are willing to learn (chapter 3, 9 and so on). Wise women have a special mention in the Bible. There were three resourceful women Jochebed, Miriam and the Pharaoh’s daughter who jointly saved the life of Moses. They wisely worked against a wicked scheme. I have always admired Rahab as a wise woman. It would not be an exaggeration, if I say that, she read the newspaper of the day with discretion. She acted wisely against her own king and his soldiers who were set out against the Yahweh-people. Abigail in1 Samuel 25:3-35 was a woman who acted with discretion and prevented an impending danger that was about to come upon her and her entire household. Abigail had to work against her own wicked husband Nabal. The wise woman at Tekoa mentioned in 2 Samuel 14:2-23 had the courage to talk to king Saul to intercede for the life of the king’s own son Absalom. She risked her life. The people of Israel came up to this woman - Deborah for judgment (Judges 4). In the same story Jael outwitted and slew Israel’s enemy commander Sisera. Queen Esther devised and executed a beautiful plan to save the whole of the Jewish nation against the schemes of the wicked Haman. Being wise involves risk. Years ago, a woman in Bangalore had to stand against her own husband’s wicked scheme to abort the girl baby they conceived. This woman wisely and lovingly overcame the situation and gave birth to the girl baby. Today the world is admiring her as a great pianist.

But interestingly there are also quotes on woman being foolish mentioned in the Bible. “The wise woman builds her house, but with her own hands the foolish one tears hers down.”(Proverbs 14:1). Among the ten virgins, five were wise. Five were foolish.
If there is a lady wisdom there is also a lady folly mentioned in chapter 5, 6, 7 and 9. There are women who talk foolish like our mom Eve, who threw pearls before pig. Women are precious pearls. The crown of God’s creation. The princesses of the king of kings. Why then we need to waste time explaining to someone who would not appreciate our value? That was Eve’s problem who spent time arguing with Satan. Only one word would have done the job for Eve and that has just two letters - “NO.” It is not too late for senior women and young girls to decide to cut-off our conversation with sinful people with a “NO.” Women need to say that in Facebook chats and phone chats with ungodly people.

2. Our good woman was a WOMAN of CHARACTER.
Someone said, “Our reputation is what others think we are, but our character is what our family knows we are.” Our good woman’s husband said, “Many women do noble things, but you surpass them all.” Her children call her, “Blessed.” People also praise her at the city gate. Her husband has full confidence in her. Ruth goes close to Proverbs 31 woman in this regard. The certificate to Ruth’s character is this: "This kindness is greater than that which you showed earlier. You have not run after the younger men, whether rich or poor.” Boaz described Ruth as a noble woman.  (Ruth 3:10&11) Ruth earned her character and reputation in an adverse situation when she was a young widow. She built the home of her dead husband, getting married to the proper heir of the family. She entered into the privileged genealogy of Jesus Christ.

There was a Dinah in the biblical history who lost her virginity before marriage by her foolishness. Her story ends in the loss of many lives bringing foul smell instead of fragrance to her family and to the name of Yahweh. Potiphars wife, Delilah, Bathseba are noted names for their adulterous acts. Prophet Hosea’s wife Gomer continued to be unrepentant, unfaithful adulteress even after her husband’s continual love and wooing. Herodias had an adulterous relationship. She used her influence in a negative way which was disastarous and ended in the loss of a precious life, John the Baptist. It is not merely the sexual moral of a woman that makes up her character. Rebecca was a woman of high moral character, I would say because they are the only famous couple of the Old Testament who had a monogamous marriage. But her character went down slide when she herself proved to be a crook and cheater in her later years. She taught her son Jacob to lie and cheat. She had to pay a toll for her bad modelling. She brought despair on her husband in his old years, rivalry between sons all through their lives, created unpleasant mother-in-law-daughter-in-law relationship. Sometimes we ourselves are reasons for our relationship problems. Her son Jacob continued to be a cheater most part of his life. I would call Vasthi as a good character, though she comes from a gentile context. I love her conviction and commitment for a cause. She did not want to display her beauty before a bunch of drunkard men. She stood for her conviction but had to loose her crown in that process. It is a shame even today some times when we who call ourselves as Christian women lack character of our own that we are forced to learn from women of other faith. Shamelessness in the dressing styles of women is a sinful development in a city like Bangalore where I live. Shame on us who raise the next generation in a shameless culture!

3. Our good woman was a BEAUTIFUL WOMAN:
Our Proverbs 31 woman may not have been outwardly beautiful but she was inwardly beautiful. Charm is deceptive, Beauty is fleeting. But a woman who fears the Lord is to be praised. A beautiful but a foolish woman is compared this way: Like a gold ring in a pig's snout is a beautiful woman who shows no discretion (Proverbs 11:22). Peter’s counsel to women is this: Your beauty should not come from outward adornment, such as braided hair and the wearing of gold jewellery and fine clothes. Instead, it should be that of your inner self, the unfading beauty of a gentle and quiet spirit, which is of great worth. Our ideal woman was clothed with fine linen and purple, strength and dignity. Bible is not against expensive clothing. But is that all in life? Interestingly, women and men in OT were praised for their outer beautiful looks like Sarah, Rebecca, Rachel, Bathsheba, Abigail and Esther. The progressive theology of beauty in NT is that, women and men are no more praised for their beauty but for their character. Jesus, hanging on the cross has been described as one who had no beauty or majesty to attract one to him. And there was nothing in his appearance that one should desire him (Isaiah 53:2). Mary mother of Jesus was one such inwardly– I think Jesus kept his mom Mary in mind when he said, “Blessed are the pure in heart for they will see God.” She was not only pure but she was obedient to the Lord’s call which came to her through the angel. It would not be an exaggerating statement if we say that Jesus learnt the attitude of obedience to his Father from his mom. Mary of Bethany was another inwardly beautiful woman. For her learning God’s word preceded food. Her faith level at Lazarus’ death was quite different from Martha, the food person. She earned praise from Jesus anointed and kissed the feet of Jesus. It is people who look at the outward appearance, but the LORD looks at the heart." (1 Samuel 16:7)

4. Our good woman was an INDEPENDENT WOMAN
She was a working woman, an industrious woman, a planner and leader. She clarifies the fact that whether women working outside of domestic domain are biblical. She selects wool and flax ​and works with eager hands.  She is like the merchant ships, ​bringing her food from afar. She considers a field and buys it; ​out of her earnings she plants a vineyard.  She sets about her work vigorously; ​her arms are strong for her tasks.  She sees that her trading is profitable, ​and her lamp does not go out at night. In her hand she holds the distaff ​and grasps the spindle with her fingers. She makes linen garments and sells them, ​and supplies the merchants with sashes. She watches over the affairs of her household ​and does not eat the bread of idleness.

Work is neither the result of fall nor a curse. Even before fall, both Adam and Eve were given work to tend the garden. Deborah was a woman who worked outside her home setting. We know that Lydia in the early church mentioned in the book of Acts was a rich business woman selling purple clothing. Research says that the leadership style in a woman is unique that is not found in a man’s. Man’s leadership which is called the “Alpha” is more of a “command and control’ type, whereas women’s is a “Beta” leadership which is a “planned and interactive” style. We need to know that we are called to work hard and keep ourselves busy both in and out of the domain of our house just like our men.

5. Our good woman was a PRACTICAL WOMAN
She brings food from afar. She gets up while it is still dark; she provides food for her family and portions for her servant girls. When it snows, she has no fear for her household; for all of them are clothed in scarlet.  She makes coverings for her bed; Her husband is respected at the city gate, where he takes his seat among the elders of the land. She opens her arms to the poor ​and extends her hands to the needy. Dorcas like the Proverbs 31 woman had a sewing unit at home specially catering to the widows in her community. Charity begins at home. Because of our ideal woman, her husband lacks nothing of value. She brings him good, not harm, ​all the days of her life. This is very IMPORTANT! We need to aware of belittling statements of our spouses and their families. ​

Let us think practical before we conclude. I would say that we fall short of the ideal lady of Proverbs 31 because we struggle in our relationships realm. It has been my hardest job to maintain a good relationship between members of my own family and others who we are in touch with me. I am learning. We cannot change others. Only God can. But we can change our mind set in many different ways. Look at Leah’s life. She was never successful in getting her husband’s love. It took time for her to understand the fact of what eventually can happen and what would not happen in this mortal world. Her focus changed to please and thank God instead of striving hard to be a husband-pleaser only after the birth of Judah. After many unsuccessful attempts and wrong calculations of how begetting many children did not bring any change in winning her husband’s love, she finally named Judah, “This time I’ll praise the Lord.” In the naming of children after Judah we find how her attitude to life changed. She then started to say, “How happy I am…and how blessed I am!” She slowly realized that she had something which Rachel did not have. Rachel had beauty but she had babies born without struggle. Leah will also be the happiest person in heaven knowing that she is the great grand mom of Jesus.

An ideal woman status is not that easy. But it is possible over time when our attitude to life changes. Let us try doing our best following God’s words and leave the rest to God. God bless us womenfolk J

Short-cut or Narrow Gate?

We know people who through short-cuts have achieved name and fame. Some people have become rich on money gained by exorbitant interests and cheating poor people. Once upon a time in India it was short-cut money through lotteries, now it is through share markets. In Christian conventional terms a short-cut can even mean a health and wealth gospel which is a heretic gospel. While short-cuts are unbiblical and un-ethical, narrow ways in contrast are the Biblical and ethical standards of living. I want to try answering these short-cuts to prosperity from the temptation account of Jesus found in Matthew 4:1-11 and Luke 4:1-13.

Here we see it was the Holy Spirit who led Jesus to the wilderness to be tempted by the devil for forty days. We see prior to the temptation, there was this garland of praise from a voice from heaven who said, "This is my Son, whom I love; with him I am well pleased.” (Matthew 3:17) The wisdom writer has put it right in Proverbs 27:21 that a person is tested by being praised. No wonder Jesus underwent these tests from devil after receiving those words of praise.

Test 1: Physical Need Through Short-cut:
Forty days of fasting. God who came in human flesh was terribly hungry.  It was at that time that the devil came to Jesus with these words:  "If you are the Son of God, tell these stones to become bread." To prove that he is the son of God, Jesus would have yielded to this, for he was alone and he was not going to be a stumbling block to any one by doing that! But Jesus did not want his physical needs to be met by a short-cut. He chose the narrow way to remain hungry.  He replied, 'Man does not live on bread alone, but on every word that comes from the mouth of God.’

What do we learn from this? We cannot choose to yield to the needs of our body by stealing,  sinning sexually just because nobody is watching us. There can be no short-cuts to meet our basic physical needs. Matthew 7:14 says: "But small is the gate and narrow the road that leads to life and only a few find it.” Lazarus remained hungry and it was this small and narrow gate he found to get to heaven. So even if we have to die because of hunger or any other physical depravity, we cannot choose a short-cut.

Test 2: Fame Through Short-cut:
Then the devil took him to the holy city and had him stand on the highest point of the temple and said, "If you are the Son of God," he said, "throw yourself down. For it is written: 'He will command his angels concerning you, and they will lift you up in their hands, so that you will not strike your foot against a stone.' Some temptations come to us when on one watches us. Some temptations come when many are watching us. This was such a situation in the life of Jesus. He could have performed a great stunt, a miracle and got a wider applause and received a celebrity status easily through this short-cut. But a God who can perform the utmost miracles did not choose this short-cut, but chose the narrow way of waiting for the perfect timing of the Father God. He also encountered devil who was trying to misinterpret the scriptures through scriptures itself. He said, "It is also written: 'Do not put the Lord your God to the test.'

Even today, in heretic attacks, a believer should use the same formula: “It is also written…..” and try to understand the whole truth of the Bible. Also just to become famous many use short-cuts like copying in academic settings, giving bribe and so on. Sometimes we can even go to the extent of spoiling other’s lives just to become famous. Joseph and Daniel in the Bible are known for integrity in their work places (Daniel 6:4). Joseph, a bachelor proved his sexual integrity even after he was repeatedly tempted by an influential person at work place. Their choices were narrow gates, resulting in loss of reputation, and finally had the former go to prison and the latter to lion’s den. But God saved them and in his own time raised them as rulers of nation. Narrow gate lead us to gruelling experiences. There is however no short-cut to become famous at the expense of following the ways of God.

Test 3: Power Through Short-cut:
The devil then took Jesus to a very high mountain and showed him all the kingdoms of the world and their splendor. "All this I will give you," he said, "if you will bow down and worship me." Devil is known for his lying and trickery all through history. He may be the prince of the world according to John 16:1, but true to 1 John 4:4 which says that the one who is in us is greater than the one who is in the world, Jesus said, "Away from me, Satan! For it is written: 'Worship the Lord your God, and serve him only.' The power of the word of God made devil powerless at this point.

For want of power and status, people are always tempted to idolise human heroes and money. Jesus chose the narrow way by choosing the way of the cross and suffered and bled which led him to ultimate glory (Philippians 2:6-11). So even if it amounts to bear a cross, we are not to choose short-cuts to attain power and glory.

The way of the devil is easy and always short-cut. It is broad and attractive. But it leads to death and eternal punishment. The way of God is narrow, difficult and unattractive. Yet Jesus has modelled us to choose that. Following God’s ways may either lead us to a punishment followed by a promotion in this earth like how it was in Joseph’s and Daniel’s cases or else a straight promotion from a beggar status to an eternal glory like how it was in Lazarus ’case. Which way do you prefer? Short-cut or Narrow gate?
"You can enter God's Kingdom only through the narrow gate. The highway to hell is broad, and its gate is wide for the many who choose the easy way.” (Matthew 7:13)